Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pyramids: Nothing new under the sun

Small talk on the Giza Plateau. from Sluggh McGee on Vimeo.


  1. This video is endlessly watchable. I love the banter between you and Martin. And the singing. I like how he asks you about Ke$ha, Miley Cyrus and Beyonce in the same sentence. I also enjoy when he brings up what Rue McClanahan left Betty White in her will. Priceless. Oh yeah, and you're at the pyramids. Fantastic!

  2. It was fun. Coupla clarifications: We flipped the coin to decide whether the Sphinx is a male or female. The prevailing thought is that it's male, for the reason Martin articulates, but I'm not so sure. Also, the unearthly buzzing chorus at 8:40 is the noon call to prayer, blared from every loudspeaker in Cairo, whose outskirts come right up to the base of the plateau.
