Monday, July 29, 2013

So Cairo's all, like, full of cozenage 'n' shit

They say this town is full of cozenage,
As nimble jugglers that deceive the eye,
Dark-working sorcerers that change the mind,
Soul-killing witches that deform the body,
Disguised cheaters, prating mountebanks,
And many suchlike liberties of sin.
If it prove so, I will be gone the sooner.
I’ll to the Centaur to go seek this slave.
I greatly fear my money is not safe.

--Antipholes of Syracuse, from " A Comedy of Errors"

Cairo's metro and markets are gangbusters -- a helluva deal! --but you want to keep your wallet in your front pocket, as you would in any big city.

The metro system is OK. A one-way fare to anywhere is 14 cents USD. Some cars have fans; most don't. It can get stiflingly hot. For certain items, the street markets are great. I stick to the thick-skinned fruits and vegetables.  The fish and bread are covered with flies. There are many live animals  you can take home and eat, too.  Ask the seller to kill them for you. I wind up going to the supermarket a lot :).

Lotsa refugees from Syria. Egypt welcomes them in large numbers.  (Zero Palestinians, though.)  

Starving for money, the children won't listen to "no." Martin taught me an Arabic phrase with a Syrian accent that amounts to "Get away, you little perverts." It's a very aggressive approach and not recommended, but it makes them disappear immediately because it invokes haram, or something forbidden. A nuclear option that should be used with care. Message me if you need it.

cozenage from .


  1. Are we talking traditional live animals? Like chickens? Hmm ... Is that Martin's arms in the vid? You weren't kidding about painfully skinny.

  2. Mostly chickens. Chicks, too, that have been dyed bright colors. At the base of the Muqqattam cliffs, you can buy weasels, monkeys and hawks for, I dunno, pets? Every day I scratch my head over something new.

  3. You should buy a pet monkey or weasel for the remainder of your trip.
