Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The dripping squeegee lives!

The ding-ding of a service-station bell brings out a small army of uniformed workers to check your tire pressure and fluid levels, clean the windshields and apply sunscreen to your nose. Well, most of those. Many of the cars here, and nearly all the taxis, run on compressed natural gas. A typical fill-up of CNG costs about $1 USD and will keep you on the road for a couple of days. Gasoline itself is about 90 cents a gallon, a price that is artificially depressed by government fuel subsidies this country can scarcely afford.

Four weeks ago, there were monumental gas lines and daily power outages. They have since mysteriously ended, giving rise to a variety of conspiracy theories. Speaking of which, it is widely and firmly believed here that 9/11 was an inside job and that the Sphinx's nose was blown off by the Israeli army. When you hear outrageous fantasies like these, I find it is always best to smile and nod, remind yourself that life is short and order another aseer asab.


  1. What kind of juice is aseer asab?

  2. Your Arabic is pretty good. It's a super-popular drink made from cane sugar. The kids get all hopped up on it after the sun goes down. :)

  3. Is it the one in the green bottle that the hooligans had?

  4. I've had mine only at the neighborhood juice shop. They serve it in a glass handled mug with a straw. The aseer asab itself is beige colored. This place is juice-crazy. It's like a nation of preschoolers.
